Grow Your Construction Business with Clarity and Confidence And Have The Life You Desire!
How would it feel to have the support of a construction industry expert, a group of successful contractors along with resources at your fingertips to help you grow your contracting business?

The Contractors Collective will give you all of that - and MUCH more!

Does this sound familiar… 
  • ​"It’s challenging to find good employees, and I feel I have to handhold people to get their job done!"
  • ​"I’m working way too many hours and wearing too many hats. I don’t have someone at a senior level who can do what I do, and I’m so busy working in the business."
  • "​I struggle to know the best way to look at my numbers and what to look for, so I end up second-guessing myself on pricing and don’t have a strong handle on how to manage profitability."
The result is...
  • ​You’re not spending the time you’d like with your kids or partner or doing the things that bring you joy.
  • ​You struggle to make a decent profit, and it’s constantly on your mind - you can’t let it go!
  • ​You end up hiring people who you know in your gut aren’t a right fit, and find they only seem to cause you more work.
  • ​You are tethered to the business – you feel like you have to keep an ever-vigilant eye on things, which is exhausting.
Go from struggling, and feeling stuck - trying to figure it out on your own, to...
                    Having clarity, confidence, and certainty in your numbers,
              growing a great team, and discovering the secret to getting your life back!
The Contractors Collective is all about helping you do just that!
As a member of The Contractors Collective you’ll be able to…
  • Get confident in your numbers – I simplify the process of understanding your numbers so you have more certainty and confidence in bidding and running your business.  
  • Get coaching to help you reach your goals – I’ve got your back! Quarterly one-on-one coaching calls focused on your goals and helping you move forward in accomplishing those goals. That starts with your first onboarding call!
  • ​Get consistent results from your employees - no more micromanaging. Discover the secret to getting employees to take ownership, follow through, and report to YOU instead of you chasing after them.
  • ​Attract A-players to your team – get this proven A to Z process for finding, recruiting, interviewing and onboarding great people to your team. 
  • ​Get peer feedback, input and support – no longer go it alone! Being among a group of like-minded contractors to bounce ideas off of, and gain wisdom from the collective experience of other contractors.
  • ​Simplify and streamline your operations – industry-specific training videos, checklists, systems and processes focused on improving the flow of operations in every department, letting you get more consistent results. 
  • ​Recession-proof your company – you’ll gain peace of mind of knowing you can handle whatever the economy throws at you because you will be b about what it takes to navigate whatever economic situation you face.
  • ​And so MUCH MORE!
The overarching goal of The Contractors Collective is to help you eliminate uncertainty, stress, and overwhelm, and to increase profits, gain more free time, and rekindle the joy in what you do again
“We estimate less and sell more, and I’m not wearing all the hats!”
"We had 12 employees, and I was working my butt off wearing 10 different hats. Instead of managing the company, I was continuously putting out fires. No one was happy...

Aaron Gordon, President
AG Construction, Inc.

"We Have Right Staff
in the Right Seats"
“Most small businesses struggle to understand the right framework for building the right staff.  Knowing who you need, the role they need to fill, and how to hire them is not easy…

Peter B. Lau, Vice President & Partner
Forde Mazzola Assoc., Inc.

Imagine it’s one year from now…
  • You are finally spending more time with your kids, spouse, family, and friends, doing the things  you love… 
  • ​You have set and reached your most ambitious goals, your team has grown and is able to function independently – you have more free time, because you are no longer the central conduit for every decision that needs to be made… 
  • ​You have greater trust and confidence in your employee’s ability to get the job done (to your standards)– and micro managing has become a thing of the past… 
  • ​You are confident and clear about your numbers and know exactly how to price profitably… second guessing yourself and hoping and praying that bid gets you the profit you need is virtually eliminated… 
  • ​You know exactly where you’re taking your business next and have a crystal clear path forward for how to get there... 
  • ​Your business is firing on all cylinders like never before and reality is finally lining up with your hopes and dreams… 
Imagine it’s one year from now…
  • What will it be when you’re finally spending more time with your kids, spouse, family or friends, or doing the things that you love?
  • How will it feel when you’ve reached your goals and your team has grown and is able to function independently – you’re no longer the central conduit for projects turning out?
  • ​And what will it be like when you have more trust and confidence in your employee’s ability to get the job done – so you don’t have to always be on high alert?
  • ​How will you be as a person when you are confident and clear about your numbers and know exactly how to price profitably, no longer second guessing yourself and hoping and praying that bid gets you the profit you need?
  • ​What will it feel like when you are clear about where you’re taking your business next and have a path forward for how to get there – no longer feeling like you just have to keep working hard and hope it all turns out.
That’s what I’m committed to you getting out of The Contractors Collective! 
"I put in half the time and get twice done!" 
"Before I worked with Vicki my business was running me. I was putting in 80-100 hrs. a week and was exhausted and unhappy.

Vicki showed me how to create systems that make my business work, and have people take ownership of their job. Now I’m putting in half the time, getting twice as much done, and profiting more than I ever dreamed possible!”

Bill Darrah
President, Bill Darrah Builders, Inc.

"I’ve learned how to better hire and engage employees which has allowed me to increase productivity."
"The sharing of ideas among members has been invaluable. The way everyone participates, and I get real-world solutions and ideas for addressing issues I’m facing has been so helpful.  I’ve also been able to charge more for our services now that I’m clear about how to price based on real data."

Charleene Doverspike,
Charleene’s Houses LLC

"Getting clear on the numbers and understanding how to price correctly has allowed me to increase the profitability of my business."
“The systems, processes, and templates Vicki provides are a huge benefit, and the pre-written position agreements have saved me a lot of hours of work!”

James Reid, 
Owner Tycon Builders, Inc.

"We increased our profits 300%"
"Vicki helped me see why our staff was having so much trouble resolving issues. 

The problem was that everyone was operating from a different set of assumptions…

Phil Murphy
President, GNU Group, Inc.

Want to know more? 
Simply fill out a short application, then we'll hop on a call and explore 
if this is the right fit and time for you and your business! 
If you ever wished for…

A think tank of like-minded contractors to bounce ideas off of and get feedback and input on real-time issues...

An individualized focus and action plan for your business that isn’t cookie cutter but based on you and what you want to accomplish in your business…

Access to an industry expert Coach, where you can get answers quickly when you need them…

… Access to tools, systems, processes, and training specific to the construction industry to help your operations run smoother...
…you’ve been waiting for The Contractors Collective
What’s included in The Contractors Collective…
  • One-on-One onboarding call – to help you set your goals.
  • ​Monthly 2-hour live group session where members get a “focus session” and we do training on the “topic of the month” – this is where we’re masterminding together, and your gaining clarity and confidence in to how to increase profits, build strong teams and grow your leadership skills.
  • ​Small group coaching – limited to 10 members. We keep it a small group in order for all members to get the most value from individualized attention.
  • ​Quarterly one-on-one coaching call with Vicki to help you set and stay on track with your goals and give you direction and guidance of what resources and tools can help you along the way.
  • ​Access to dozens of trainings, tools and resources specific to the construction industry – a “done for you” stack that are easy to use and implement - these are geared to improving the operations of your business.. 
  • ​Quick access to Vicki and the group through the member- only private portal when you have a question, you’d like feedback on.
  • ​Phone app for quick access to the portal, making it easy to listen on the go, or access tools as the need arises.
  • Guest experts on topics such as estimating, sales, marketing, job costing and more – giving you the inside scoop on how to be more successful in these areas of your business!
PLUS you get these Bonuses – valued at over $9585… 
  • To help you get the traction, we invite you to have two other employees on your team can attend the monthly sessions and have access to the program portal for FREE!
  • ​The “Contractors Hiring Blueprint” course on how to find and recruit great people to your team.
  • ​The “Contractors Resource Kit” with dozens of “done for you” tools, templates, systems and processes that are specific to the construction industry.
  • ​The “Build Your Dream Team” course walks you through how to build a team that takes ownership and delivers consistent results.
  • Over 2 dozen pre-written position agreements specific to the construction industry.
  • ​LIVE 2 day event FREE to active members. This alone is worth the investment!
That's a total value of $34,458!!
The results speak for themselves...
Kevin Waldron on Goal Setting 
Small changes make a big difference for a restoration company.
Not knowing where you’re going makes it hard to get there.
Kevin Waldron, CEO of Olympia Restoration Company acknowledges: "I wanted the company to grow, and, based on gross sales, it appeared as if it was. But when I met with Vicki and she started asking me some very basic questions, I had to admit I didn’t have a clear idea of where I wanted the company to go, how it would get there, or what would stand in the way.

Vicki helped us clarify our goals and outline specific steps we’d take to achieve them. She kept challenging us to look at how we were running the business and be much more thoughtful and methodical about our practices."
"Following Vicki’s advice helped create $1.5 million dollars of profit over the 10 years we worked with her."

"If you want truthful, honest feedback from someone who makes you confront reality, then talk to Vicki. I would encourage any business owner who wants to increase their profitability to work with her.”

Alison & Jill: Knowing your numbers
Painting contractors get their business in line.
Good intuition wasn’t enough to run a good business.
Alison Heather half (with Jill French) of the Heather and French Painting Contractor company tells her story this way:

"With no real business background, we had become accustomed to basing business decisions on our intuition. Our guesses were pretty good. But as we grew, we realized that keeping things running was harder than it had to be.

Vicki showed us how to plan on budget, explained what our numbers are telling us, and showed us how we could be more strategic in how we spend our time and our money.”
"Vicki helped us optimize our potential, so we can go after bigger jobs and be more profitable. Making money isn’t a guessing game anymore."

“If someone wondered if they could afford to hire Vicki, I’d tell them, you can’t afford not to hire her.”

Having coached hundreds of contractors over the past 25 years, I know this industry and the challenges you face intimately.

In my work with clients, I’ve seen them experience amazing success. The constant theme is this…
MORE Profits on their bottom line, MORE time in their days, and MORE fun and joy in what they do again.
What kind of success you may ask. These are REAL statistics on overall changes I’ve seen clients experience in their businesses…
  • 150% increase of net profits (often year over year)
  • 75% increase in employee retention
  • 100% increase in employee accountability and ownership
  • ​200 % increase in time off
  • ​350% Increase in cash reserves
  • Drastic increase in peace of mind and joy in what they do again
You might be thinking… Are those kinds of results still possible in this economy?
…the answer is, absolutely, YES!! 
The Contractors Collective Supports You in 4 Key Ways... 
#1 - Collaborate with like-minded contractors to share ideas, experiences, and knowledge for mutual growth!
#2 - Receive personalized coaching to achieve your goals and speed up your progress!
Running a business can often feel lonely. Joining our collective connects you with other business owners who truly understand your world, offering a chance to share ideas and support each other. Note: We only accept members from non-competing areas.

Each quarter, you'll receive personalized coaching from Vicki, an industry expert with over 25 years of experience. These sessions focus on your specific business goals, and afterward, Vicki provides tailored tools and resources to support next steps.

#3 - Comprehensive Resources to Enhance Your Systems and Processes
#4 - Tailored Training for Your Construction Business
Discover a wealth of essential resources designed to help you streamline and improve your systems and processes. These tools and templates are crafted specifically for the construction industry, ensuring you have everything you need to develop better, more efficient operations.

Receive training tailored to the various aspects of your construction business. We cover topics such as better estimating, understanding your numbers, improving sales, and best practices for scheduling to name a few. Each session, you have the opportunity to ask questions and address your specific concerns.

#1 - Collaborate with like-minded contractors to share ideas, experiences, and knowledge for mutual growth!
Running a business can often feel lonely. Joining our collective connects you with other business owners who truly understand your world, offering a chance to share ideas and support each other. Note: We only accept members from non-competing areas.
#2 - Receive personalized coaching to achieve your goals and speed up your progress!
Each quarter, you'll receive personalized coaching from Vicki, an industry expert with over 25 years of experience. These sessions focus on your specific business goals, and afterward, Vicki provides tailored tools and resources to support next steps.
#3 - Comprehensive Resources to Enhance Your Systems and Processes
Discover a wealth of essential resources designed to help you streamline and improve your systems and processes. These tools and templates are crafted specifically for the construction industry, ensuring you have everything you need to develop better, more efficient operations.
#4 - Tailored Training for Your Construction Business
Receive training tailored to the various aspects of your construction business. We cover topics such as better estimating, understanding your numbers, improving sales, and best practices for scheduling to name a few. Each session, you have the opportunity to ask questions and address your specific concerns.
Steve: Gets his team to take more ownership
Contractor gets out the day to day minutia
How to work on your business when you spend all your time resolving problems.
Steve Rempe, CEO of Rempe Construction reports: 

"Before we started working with Vicki, every business decision was brought to me. Being so involved with the minutia made it difficult for me to work on the business, and not just in it.

Vicki has helped us define each person’s job and role in the company. Now, people take responsibility for their positions — and I can hold them to it. This has reduced the number of phone calls from the field, giving me more time to focus on other tasks."
"Now when there’s a problem, I ask what they think we should do. 

They always have at least two or three solutions!"

“Vicki Suiter helped us make small changes that have made a big difference.”
Dan Ross: Growing in a down economy 
Contractor shifts focus, and business grows
Cut-rate bidding takes a company in the wrong direction.

"Things were going great for us until the economy fell apart. Like many contractors, we responded in crisis mode, bidding jobs lower and lower just to get work to do.

Vicki showed us that 60% of our work was bringing in 15% of our income. We changed our model, and started focusing on building relationships, not on getting bids."
"It took a while, but now we have strong connections with architects, project managers and contractors and work almost exclusively on prestige-level homes. Along the way, we doubled our income. Now, we pass along the business we don’t take to other contractors, which is great for them, too."

“We started working with Vicki when the economy turned down and we were losing money. I have to say that if I hadn’t called Vicki then, I don’t know if we’d even be in business now. At the time, I thought Vicki was expensive. But now, given the return she’s provided on our investment in her, I think she’s inexpensive!”
To ensure we optimize the results you’ll get
I’ve built in an ongoing support structure that includes:
Monthly 2 hour Live Session
  • ​Get input and feedback from fellow members on issues you facing.  
  • ​Let the “mastermind” of the group support you in having greater clarity and confidence 
  • Training for the month is geared to helping you grow a more successful contracting business and reach your goals.
  • ​ Each month a member will have the opportunity to take the spotlight. 
Dozens of practical tools and resources 
  • Construction industry specific training videos, checklists, systems and processes
  • ​Time saving templates that walk you through each step, eliminating any guesswork.  
  • ​Industry leading resources available at the click of a button
  • ​Training videos you and your team can share to help improve operations.
Quarterly  coaching call with Vicki
  • Onboarding one-on-one call with  with Vicki to help jumpstart your progress.
  • ​Quarterly one-on-one Coaching call with Vicki
  •  Set goals each quarter that will work toward your big picture goals.
  • Get guidance to help you best utilize the tools available to you and get the most from your participation on the program.
"The expertise in the group is amazing!"
“The expertise in the group is amazing! The experience of the member is broad and the subject matter addresses many of the issues I face daily in my business. 

The format of how we’re kept up to date on available resources really helps me know what is available to help improve my systems and processes.”

Nick Bloesdel,
Known for Quality, Inc.

"The entire structure of the group has helped me stay more accountable in reaching my goals."
“Being among peers who are facing similar issues in their business and the dynamic interaction of the group has been invaluable. I appreciate all the tools and resources that Vicki has made available to us as well.”

Norm Haase,
Haase Construction, Inc.

"The resources have been invaluable"
"It’s great to be able to share ideas with other members and to get coaching from Vicki on how to address issues or challenges I’m facing. 

The regular schedule has helped me know when and where I’ll be able to jump in and get feedback and support.”  

Mathew Moss,
Think Construction, Inc.

"I now understand my profit and loss percentages, and how to charge enough to cover all my costs, including overhead, AND make a profit"
"That’s allowed me to increase my pricing with confidence - with good data to back it up! Using the tools Vicki’s made available, I’ve learned how to hire well, and more effectively engage my employees which has increased productivity."

Carl Gradek,
Gradek Contracting

The Confidence Builder...
When you're CLEAR, you have more CONFIDENCE.  When you have confidence you're able to take more POWERFUL ACTIONS. 

 THAT is what the Contractors Collective is all about! 
  • You’ll gain the ability to clearly know when the right time is to make that hire, and how to ensure you maintain profits at the same time.
  • You’ll get peace of mind in knowing that employees are staying on track, so you can be away from your business without the worry that things will fall through the cracks.
  • You’ll know clearly what you need to charge to make a consistent profit, and how to increase your bottom line.
  •  You’ll have a roadmap for where you want to go, and tools to help you reach your goals, letting you know with confidence you can get there!
This is the pathway to… MORE profits on the bottom line, MORE time to do what you love, and MORE fun along the way!
One Time Payment
Payment Plan
The Contractors Collective is all about helping you do just that! 
Start growing the business and life you desire 
with clarity and confidence – it’s as simple as 1,2,3…
  • Fill out the short application for The Contractors Collective.
  • Click Get Started to fill out your application form The Contractors Collective. It’s a short form for us to get to know more about you, your business, and your goals.
  • Set up your one-on-one call.
  • ​We’ll set up a Discovery Call to learn more about what you are working on (plus you’ll get some great coaching from me too!) I’ll share all the details about The Contractors Collective program with you and answer any questions to make sure it’s a good fit.
  • Onboard and get started.
  • ​Once you’re in, we’ll set up your Onboarding Call to get you started and you can dive right into all the monthly calls and resources.
About me...
I love working with contractors!

My journey of working with contractors began when I was married to a painting contractor. I saw how Bill struggled to find the balance between work and his personal life. It seemed he was always either working a ton of hours because he was so busy, or worried and panicked because there wasn’t enough work. Bill was not living the dream he set out to have when he began – the same dream many of us want – to make a good living, have choices about how we spend our time, and do what we love!

It was in 1990 when our son Taylor was born that I started my business. Up until that time I was the controller for an international training company, but I knew I had some skills I could share after watching Bill’s struggles.
My first client was a design-build firm. It was in working with that client that I realized this was the industry I really wanted to focus on. I love the complexity of construction, but I also saw the simplicity of how there are certain elements that drive the success of a construction business. 

Over the next several years I discovered how to make the complex simple. It became clear to me that most contractors, while super smart about this very complex subject of building, felt overwhelmed when it came to seeing how to apply that same knowledge to grow their businesses.
The focus of my work for over 25 years now has been on helping contractors understand what those simple drivers for their success are. What I discovered, is that when they have clarity about those key elements that drive their success and applied some consistent practices around paying attention to those elements, they were able to soar!
In the process, I developed tools and feedback systems that allowed them to have more control and confidence in driving results in each area of their business. The results have been amazing!

It brings me great satisfaction and joy to see contractors have confidence in their ability to grow their businesses and lead teams with confidence. I find joy in seeing how they have more choices over how they spend their time, and how they’ve re-found the joy and fun in what they do again!

It’s this sense of joy in working with clients one-on-one that sparked me to start The Contractors Collective, and I’m delighted to be sharing this opportunity with you!
How I invest in myself and continually grow:
As an active member of the National Association of Remodelers Industry (NARI), I’ve held all board positions, including winning the Chapter President of the Year award.

I love surrounding myself with forward-thinkers and innovators! As part of the Construction Consultants Mastermind, I’ve developed deep relationships with other like-minded coaches and consultants who serve this industry, which has allowed me to continue to hone my ability to best service this industry.

While my degree in business and finance served me well in my early career, I knew there was more I needed to learn in order to best serve the clients I worked with. This inspired me to become a certified business coach, and master certified in neuro-linguistic (how the brain works and how to re-wire beliefs that hold us back).

I am someone who is always seeking to improve myself and thus the people I serve, I am continually learning and growing personally through coursework and interpersonal work. That learning has been invaluable in my ability to grow personally and professionally and better serve the people I work with.
"Vicki’s coaching and feedback when members ask questions is super helpful. "
“The way members provide input and feedback to one another has provided a perspective from my peers that has been invaluable. The course content, tools, resources and templates have really helped me improve my internal processes and systems.”

Danny Brubaker,
Pennco Construction, Inc.

"I appreciate knowing I’m not alone, and that many of my peers face similar issues - this is a relief!"
“ Vicki provides so many valuable resources that are easy to use and implement. These have helped me in improving the systems and processes in my business. The ability to reach out to others in the group and get input and help is huge!”

Jimmy Dias,
Dias Renovations, Inc.

Wondering if this is a right fit for you?

Simply fill out a short application, then we'll hop on a call and explore if this is the right fit and time for you and your business! 
Plus access to this incredible Bonus Stack valued at $6,585
Bonus #1 - Build Your Dream Team course - $1997 Value
Go from micro-manager to confident, respected leader able to attract and retain great employees, and know how to tap into employees’ highest potential! This will help you to get employees to produce consistent results, follow through, and take ownership and responsibility – without micromanaging!
  • Have clarity on how to get consistent results from employees.
  • ​Have better systems for managing your business so you feel more in control.
  • ​Be clear about how to get out of the day-to-day minutia.
  • ​Know how to get people to follow through on agreements.
  • ​Know how to bring out the best in your employees.
  • ​Have a clear path to finding joy and fun in what you do again!
Bonus #2: Over 2 dozen pre-written Position Agreements – $2997 Value
25 pre-written Position Agreements that you can easily modify and use right away, including estimating, production, design, office management and accounting, sales and marketing, and leadership positions. This will fast-track your ability to get your employees to be more self-generative, so you’re not having to tell them again and again what you need them to do. This is your first step to no longer micro-managing!
  • These Position Agreements work! They were written for real people in real jobs and are not theoretical. They have been implemented and used in highly successful contracting businesses.
  • ​This one bonus will save you hundreds of hours of time as deliverables for all key positions in your business are in this bonus!
Bonus #3: Contractors Hiring Blueprint course - $497 Value.
Building a great team starts with finding the right person for the job. Have the confidence to know the person you are about to hire can actually do the job – no more second-guessing, and no more hiring someone only to find out they can’t actually do the job they said they could do!
  • The Contractors Hiring Blueprint gives you the exact steps to take for finding, recruiting, screening, interviewing, and onboarding great people for your team. When you have a solid recruiting, hiring, and onboarding process in place you get higher-quality employees, and the amount of time you spend finding new employees is cut in half.
Bonus #4 - Contractors Systems Kit - $1797 Value
The Contractors Systems Kit provides the systems, processes, checklists, and procedures for getting consistent results with your team. This treasure trove of tools, checklists, training, processes, and templates will accelerate your ability to improve get consistent results from your employees and let you stop having to be the central point of how things get done.

Here's what's included:
  • Bid Management Tools: Use these tools to calculate your real overhead. Easily meet your profit margin goals using these charts to help you mark-up to make a profit.
  • ​Sales Management Tools: These tools give you more control over the sales process, and help close more bids, including a bid tracker to help you stay on top of your pipeline close rate, and backlog.
  • Business Health Assessment Tools: Use these assessment tools to uncover the health of your company. Find out where your business is bleeding profits and what actions you can take to make it healthy.
  • ​Financial Management Tools: These tools will help you understand financial reports and find out what your numbers are really telling you, including how to set operating budgets and profit goals for the year.
  • ​Production Management Tools: These tools include a Production Planner so you have foresight in the field and a Production Report Review, which will keep you in front of your costs.
Bonus #5 - Our LIVE event – absolutely FREE for active members of The Contractors Collective!  - $3000 Value
This is the opportunity to get elevation from the day-to-day and cast the vision for where you want to take your business. In the process, you’ll deepen your skills as a leader and make deeper connections with other like-minded business owners who are there to support and empower you. Here’s what you can expect from our LIVE Mastermind Event:
Inspiration & Interaction
  • Magic happens at live events that you just can’t duplicate online!
  • ​We keep this event intimate so you can have real conversations with other contractors on things that really matter with building and growing your contracting business.
  • ​Our community is supportive and tight knit, and that reflect into our live events.
Work it Session Plus Q&A:
  • Experiences that will last a lifetime.
  • ​We include a special interactive learning experience that is fun and will engage all your senses! You’ll gain insights about yourself and fellow members during this dynamic and hands-on part of the event and leave with a renewed sense of clarity and confidence.
This bonus alone is worth the investment!

“Your 100% Protected” Guarantee*

We know The Contractors Collective helps contractors like you, so we’re betting on it being the right fit.
The total value of The Contractors Collective is over $34,000 - 
but you'll pay far less than that!

“Your 100% Protected” Guarantee

We know The Contractors Collective helps contractors like you, so we’re betting on it being the right fit.

“Your 100% Protected” Guarantee*

We know The Contractors Collective helps contractors like you, so we’re betting on it being the right fit.
Come join us. If it’s not what you thought it would be, you're covered – cancel at any time.

Just a few clicks, a quick “goodbye” interview so we understand more about 
where you are coming from, and you’re outta there.

Take the next NO OBLIGATION step and hop on a call 
with me to see if this is a right fit for you
Frequently Asked Questions
“Is The Contractors Collective” right for me?” 
It’s a good fit if…
You’re ready for a good challenge and want to grow…
I’m down to earth and real. I’m not going to feed you a line of how it’s so easy to take your business to the next level, because, let’s be honest, when have you ever accomplished something that was so easy that was TRULY worth having?
You didn’t get where you currently are overnight, it took time– and creating the improvements necessary to THRIVE in today’s economic environment and take your business to the next level will also take time.

You got into the business because you found a passion, saw an opportunity, and know it will pay off. And THAT is worth working for.
You are willing to participate and share…
You’re willing to go “all in” by asking questions, helping other and contributing to conversations. We talk about the real things, the hard things, the win, and we ALWAYS have each other’s back.

You know what you do is awesome and you’re willing to show it, loud and proud.
You want to level up in life…
Having a desire to upgrade your life gives you more opportunities to grow on a personal and professional level into an even more amazing individual.
Because you know you can’t afford to stay where you are...
Let’s get real for a sec.  You’ve been trying to do this on your own for a while. 

And maybe you’ve even invested in some training or coaching along the way, but your business is not where you want it to be, and you still have to stay deeply involved in the day-to-day of running projects, and your business. It needs your constant attention.

You work way too many hours. And by not growing your team’s accountability, not having solid systems, and having a clear plan, your business continues to require a lot of your time – because you’re the brain trust that keeps it together. 

And the truth is, figuring out how to have all that be different on your own has been a struggle.

From projects that don’t get the time they need to ensure they run smoothly because you’re so busy wearing all the hats…

To BIG things like not charging enough for your services and having your prices reflect the value of what it’s really worth.

And here’s the biggie…

                                     What will your life be like in 6 months…1 year… if you stay on this same path?

Maybe you end up still working crazy hours, having all major decisions still depending on your, and not making that additional income you’d planned for, or that additional time you’d hoped to spend with family.

Deep down you really want to make this work and know you have the ability, but it seems so far off to build a team that takes on ownership and cares about your business the way you do. 

You end up feeling stuck because you just don’t see how to get to the other side.
Now Imagine having the clarity, tools, and support to help you get a plan in place for what YOU want to get out of The Contractors Collective.
"We were able to keep our business running and profitable when the economy was faltering"
“We’d already been working with Vicki for a few years when the recession hit. Because of Vicki, we hadn’t blown through our profits in the good years…

Glenn David Mathews,
CEO of ARG Conservation Services (Early Retiree)

"It turns out, people like knowing what they're supposed to do!"

“It sounds ridiculous now, but I thought creating formal job descriptions was a waste of time. I just assumed I was hiring professionals, and professionals should know what to do. Did I really have to spell it out for them? 

Dan Greeson, Vice President
Matrix, HG, Inc.

Within the first week, you’ll set the groundwork for success.
  • On our one-on-one Onboarding Coaching Call, we’ll get laser focused on your goals to grow your contracting business. We’ll come up with an action plan together, so you can begin to take the steps forward. In that call I’ll direct you to the tools and resources that will be a good first step.
Within 6 months you’ll…
  • You’ll take charge of your game plan and equip yourself with the right tools, resources and guidance to keep you pushing forward. With the backing of a supportive group, extensive resources, and expert coaching from Vicki, you'll have the clarity and confidence you need to make those crucial changes a reality.
  • ​Get ready to witness significant results including a newfound sense of pricing confidence and increased profit margins. You'll even see your team step up and take more ownership. 
  • ​That’s what can happen when you’re a member of The Contractors Collective!
The next step is to fill out our short application and then look forward to our call to chat more!
Have clarity, confidence, and certainty in your numbers, grow a great team, and discover the secret to getting your time back! 
The Contractors Collective is well suited for you if…
  • You’re feeling like your business has hit a wall and you’re ready to take the next step towards growth.
  • ​​​Perhaps you're looking to empower your team to take on more responsibility and give yourself the freedom to focus on big-picture growth strategies.
  • ​​Or maybe you're thinking about the future and considering your eventual exit strategy.
Whatever your goals may be, a clear path forward is essential.
 As a member of The Contractors Collective you will…
  • Transform your business with expert guidance from an industry leader and a supportive community of successful contractors!
  • ​Gain the certainty, confidence, and clarity you need to take control of your numbers, grow your team, and finally regain choices over how you spend your time!
  • ​With access to a wealth of resources and expert coaching, you can implement the changes you need to thrive and succeed!
 As a member of The Contractors Collective you will…
  • Transform your business with expert guidance from an industry leader and a supportive community of successful contractors.
  • ​Gain the certainty, confidence, and clarity you need to take control of your numbers, grow your team, and finally regain control of your valuable time.
  • ​With access to a wealth of resources and expert coaching, you can implement the changes you need to thrive and succeed!
Whatever your goals may be, a clear path forward is essential.
Interested?  Simply fill out a quick application 
and we'll schedule a call to determine if this is the right fit for you.
Join, and instantly access all this…
  • One-on-One onboarding call – to help you set your goals.
  • ​Monthly 2-hour live group session where a member gets a “focus session” and we do training on the “topic of the month” – this is where we’re masterminding together, and your gaining clarity and confidence in to how to increase profits, build strong teams and grow your leadership skills.
  • ​Small group coaching – limited to 10 members. We keep it a small group in order for all members to get the most value from individualized attention.
  • ​Quarterly one-on-one coaching call with Vicki to help you set and stay on track with your goals and give you direction and guidance of what resources and tools can help you along the way.
  • ​Access to dozens of trainings, tools and resources specific to the construction industry – a “done for you” stack that are easy to use and implement.
  • Quick access to Vicki and the group through the member - only portal when you have a question, you’d like feedback on.
  • ​Phone app for quick access to the portal, making it easy to listen on the go, or access tools as the need arises.
  • Guest experts on topics such as estimating, sales, marketing, job costing and more – giving you the inside scoop on how to be more successful in these areas of your business!
AND these bonuses...
  • Bonus #1 - Build Your Dream Team course - $1997 Value - Go from micro-manager to confident, respected leader able to attract and retain great crews, and know how to tap into employee’s highest potential!
  • ​Bonus #2 - Over 2 dozen pre-written Position Agreements – $2997 Value - 25 pre-written Position Agreements that you can easily modified and use right away, including estimating, production, design, office management and accounting, sales and marketing and leadership positions.
  • ​Bonus #3 - Contractors Hiring Blueprint course - $497 Value - Building a great team starts with finding the right person for the job. Having a good hiring process in place is just like having a good plan when you're building – this course provides the roadmap for producing great results.
  • ​Bonus #4 - Contractors Systems Kit - $797 Value - Just like framing a building, designing a home, installing a toilet, or painting a house requires the right tools for the job, so does building great teams. The Contractors Systems Kit provides the systems, processes, checklists, and procedures for getting consistent results with your team.
  • ​Bonus #5 - LIVE 2-day event  - $3000 Value – absolutely FREE for active members of The Contractors Collective!
Total bonus value: $9585!

The total Program Value is $34,458 - but you'll pay far less than that!

And in the end, you'll make way more than that in additional profits.

Take the next NO OBLIGATION step 
and hop on a call with me to see if this is a right fit for you
"Being in a group of like-minded contractors looking to grow their business has been great. "
“I’ve gotten a lot of value from the live session (and recordings when I couldn’t attend live) and the many tools and resources Vicki makes available. There is a good flow of moving through the content which makes it easy to consume.”

Andrew Gilchrist, 
Andrew Mark Construction

"Working with Vicki has completely changed the course of my business."
"Implementing Vicki’s approach to managing the business based on solid data and feedback has given me greater peace of mind about the financial wellbeing of my company.


Mead Quin, President,
Mead Quin Design, Inc.

"Now I’m managing results, and not just conversations"
“I always felt like I could "see" whether someone was doing a good job or not. 

Unfortunately getting someone else, especially someone who disagreed with me, to see what I was seeing was not easy…

Catherine Baldi, President
Arana Craftsman Painters, Inc.

"Before implementing Vicki’s approach to creating a culture where people take ownership, we knew we'd hit a road block..."
"I just assumed our employees knew what results were expected of them, and didn’t realize this was a large part of the problem. Now our employees understand and we have tools that help us be better managers and leaders. It’s a win /win for us, and for them!”

Art Hoover, President
Matrix HG, Inc.

Contractors are some of the smartest people I know, and yet, they rarely give themselves the credit they deserve. I see how they struggle to bring what they know about building complex structures and creating beautiful spaces and apply that knowledge to building great businesses.
I saw this struggle from a very personal perspective when I was married to a painting contractor, and as I began working with other contractors, I saw how I could help them make that leap in being able to grow their business using some of those same skills in building to grow their businesses.

For over 25 years I’ve been helping contractors transform their businesses and their lives, and it has brought me great joy to see people able to have more profits on their bottom lines, more time in their days, and more joy and fun in what they do again.

The Contractors Collective was born out of that desire to help more contractors experience those same kinds of results I’ve been creating with clients over all these years.

I’d love to see you be able to have that same experience.
If you are interested in taking the next step, fill out the short application for The Contractors Collective and we’ll set up our one-on-one call to see exactly how I can help you.
Contractors are some of the smartest people I know, and yet, they rarely give themselves the credit they deserve. I see how they struggle to bring what they know about building complex structures and creating beautiful spaces and apply that knowledge to building great businesses.

I saw this struggle from a very personal perspective when I was married to a painting contractor, and as I began working with other contractors, I saw how I could help them make that leap in being able to grow their business using some of those same skills in building to grow their businesses.
For over 25 years I’ve been helping contractors transform their businesses and their lives, and it has brought me great joy to see people able to have more profits on their bottom lines, more time in their days, and more joy and fun in what they do again.

The Contractors Collective was born out of that desire to help more contractors experience those same kinds of results I’ve been creating with clients over all these years.

I’d love to see you be able to have that same experience.

If you are interested in taking the next step, fill out the short application for The Contractors Collective and we’ll set up our one-on-one call to see exactly how I can help you.
Suiter Business Builders